The Happiness Minister
Ordained Minister in Klavestadhaugen, Ostfold
Why did you originally become an ordained minister online?
To work with God, and spread my life experience with fellow friends of all religions. I follow God, and believe in a persons right to have own beliefs snd I support them.
Where are you from?
I orginally from New Zealand, and have been living in Norway since 1996.
What do you hope to achieve with your online ordination?
Touching lives, changing destinies. I am working as The Happiness Minister sharing love, support, life experience and happiness to fellow Cancer Survivors and their families. Ii also have a Daily Prayer and weekly sermon on my website thehappinessminister com
Religious Affiliations
Anglicanism, Assemblies of God, Atheism, Baptists, Buddhism, Catholicism, Christadelphians, Christianity, Church of God, Church of God in Christ, Hare Krishna, Hinduism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Judaism, Mormonism, Nation of Islam, New Age, Norse Religion, Orthodox Judaism, Pentecostalism, Spiritualism, Tendai Buddhism, Theravada Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, Universal Life Church, Worldwide Church of God, Other
Additional Information
I focus on God! I do believe all religions, do I am more to support believers of all religions.
Are there particular areas near you where you prefer to travel or have special experience?
In Norway. I am willing to Travel internationally on Ministry work.1000+ miles!
Types of Service Offered
Christenings, House Blessings, Spiritual Healing, Premarital Counseling, General Ministry, Spiritual Guidance
Additional Information
I am a very down to earth Minister, wonderful humor. People are naturally drawn to my honesty and string presence. I am a showman!