Reoko Rae Walker
Ordained Minister in Medford, Oregon
Why did you originally become an ordained minister online?
Because good friends of mine were in need of an ordained minister in order to make their marriage complete and they couldn't afford one
Where are you from?
What do you hope to achieve with your online ordination?
To help others with no monetary gain only love an
Religious Affiliations
Universal Life Church
Types of Service Offered
Marriages, Same-Sex Marriages, Renewal of Vows, Handfastings, Baptisms, Funerals, Christenings, House Blessings, Exorcisms, Spiritual Healing, Reiki Healing, Premarital Counseling, General Ministry, Spiritual Guidance
Additional Information
I provide my ministry out of the kindness of my heart not through financial payment so I look for no financial reimbursement I do it because I want others to feel loved and to know their loved