Ordained Minister in McEwen, Tennessee
Why did you originally become an ordained minister online?
To reach the world and tell them about the opportunity to have eternal life with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Where are you from?
Born and raised in Michigan. Lived around the Canton, Plymouth, Belleville, and Monroe areas.
Moved to Tennessee the last 2 years of highschool, graduated highschool, went to college, i have a bachelors in buisness management.
What do you hope to achieve with your online ordination?
To get as many people headed in the rifht direction, before it's too late!
We all have sinned and falled short of the glory of God. But it's about our journey that matters most.
Hows your heart? Do you have The love that were supposed to have. That, christ like love, the Bible talks about?
I always hear many people talk about the experiences they have when they go to church. Being judged. Being looked up one side and down the other. Being turned away because of their "outward" appearance. The bible says, Judge not lest ye be judged. the church is not our place to "condemn" people to hell. It's our place to let them know that there's a home waiting for them in heaven. And to show them the love that Jesus talks about in the Bible.
People are too afraid that they might "slip up" allowing the worldliness into the church, but let me tell ya something folks
. you don't clean yourself to come to Jesus, you come to Jesus to get clean! Amen!
So many church got it all wrong, your turning people away from God, before God ever has a chance to touch their heart.
Religious Affiliations
Baptists, Christianity, Pentecostalism, Other
What do you think makes your ceremonies special as a McEwen, TN wedding officiant?
Just making sure you ask the right questions, having the right answers beforehand. Get to know them. make every moment for the Bride and Groom special. It's all about them and their commitment to themselves, and to God.
Types of Service Offered
Marriages, Same-Sex Marriages, Baptisms, House Blessings, Exorcisms, Spiritual Healing, General Ministry, Spiritual Guidance