Min. Jacob Ketterman
Ordained Minister in Cumberland, Maryland
Why did you originally become an ordained minister online?
To be completely honest with everyone, I became ordained after a dear friend of mine inquired if I knew of anyone who was ordained and could officiate the union between him and his girlfriend. Just this year past I found my thoughts, questions, and even my dreams seemed to be focused upon the Gods, faith, religion and religious practices. I have always been an avid reader, so I've been reading and researching religious texts from all cultures. I am hoping to actually go back to school, a university and along with taking creative writing classes, I hope to major or minor in Religious Studies or Theology.
Where are you from?
I was born and raised in "The Queen City" of Maryland. called Cumberland. I have lied here all my life, but now with nothing holding me here I feel like it might be time for a change of scenery.
What do you hope to achieve with your online ordination?
To wed two people who adore one another so much they want the whole world to know. Being the person to bring that loving happiness to these individuals, gives me a euphoric feeling. I just love, love!
Religious Affiliations
Atheism, Buddhism, Catholicism, Christianity, Druidism, Greek Religion, Hellenic Reconstructionism, Kemetic Reconstructionism, Neopaganism, Norse Religion, Voodoo, Wicca, Other
Types of Service Offered
Marriages, Same-Sex Marriages, Renewal of Vows, Handfastings, House Blessings, Exorcisms, Spiritual Healing, Reiki Healing, Premarital Counseling, General Ministry, Spiritual Guidance