Wayne Warrington
Ordained Minister in Mesa, Arizona
Why did you originally become an ordained minister online?
After spending most my adult life searching for the right "church" for me, I discovered in January 2006, that the right church was already within me. My relationship with our Heavenly Father became clear and 100% led through the Holy Spirit. My studies prior to 2006 included in-depth reviews of many denominational church organizations, then in around 1980 I found my best connection with the Non-Denominational churches.
Where are you from?
Originally from Washington DC as a child and spending most of my adult life in the western states.
What do you hope to achieve with your online ordination?
After my awakening to my relationship with God in 2006, I spent the following 5 years seeking answers through prayer and daily communion, and working on the transformation of my life. The from 2011 to 2018 I devoted my time toward biblical studies with various pastors and church leaders in the non-denominational classes with the ultimate goal of being ordained within one of the churches I had come to serve within. My decision as to an online ordination, coupled with pastoral ordination, was based upon divine intervention where I felt guided to serve all of God's children, not simply those attending a brick and mortar church facility.
Religious Affiliations
Christianity, Universal Life Church
Additional Information
I do not belong to a religion, I belong to God. No judgment from me, simply Love as He intended it to be.
What do you think makes your ceremonies special as a Mesa, AZ wedding officiant?
Nothing from me personally makes a ceremony special. It typically is made special when the husband and wife invite Jesus (Our Lord God) into their relationship and I merely serve as a messenger that may help assist in the light, faith and hope we will all be sharing.
Are there particular areas near you where you prefer to travel or have special experience?
I am open to discuss options and expenses. I do not make my "living" through this ministry.
Types of Service Offered
Marriages, Renewal of Vows, House Blessings, Premarital Counseling, Spiritual Guidance
Additional Information
Over the past decade, God has provided to me a ministry that has reached millions across the USA, not always directly as a pastor or minister, but more of a mentor and advocate for the rights of God's children. So under whatever circumstances we find to be connecting, I am honored to serve you with the talents and gifts God has provided me.