Dr. Edward Moch
Ordained Minister in Desert Hot Springs, California
Why did you originally become an ordained minister online?
Being an Individual of Many Hats and Skills. after a series of Spiritul and Divine Phenomenon Events throughout the years . I desided to embrace My Spiritul Calling and become An Ordained Minister. Since l believed in A Universal Point of View. I felt that ULC came close to My Muli-Spiritual Direction and Beliefs.
Where are you from?
Originally I was born on The East Coast of The United States, under unique circumstances that seemed spiritually inspired and I now live on The West Ciast of The United States.
What do you hope to achieve with your online ordination?
To continue my vocational duties as needed toward the betterment of The Spiritual and Human Condition.
Religious Affiliations
Additional Information
I am also A Member of The Belgian Royal House by Birthright Identification and Prince Without No Portfolio etc.
Are there particular areas near you where you prefer to travel or have special experience?
Depends on the circumstances.
Types of Service Offered
Spiritual Guidance
Additional Information
I also have A ULC Doctorate of Divinity and I am A Psychical Dynamics Analyst-Consultant and Researcher etc.