Alexander Ricardo Goodnough
Ordained Minister in Waverly, New York
Why did you originally become an ordained minister online?
To further Gods work here on Earth sharing the Gospel Truth.
Where are you from?
New York
What do you hope to achieve with your online ordination?
To Share the Gospel Truth and help save as many souls as The Lord sends my way
Religious Affiliations
Christianity, Evangelicalism, Universal Life Church, Worldwide Church of God
Additional Information
The New Creature born again New
What do you think makes your ceremonies special as a Waverly, NY wedding officiant?
The Understanding of Marriage being joined as one flesh til death do us part.
Are there particular areas near you where you prefer to travel or have special experience?
I will go where I am invited
Types of Service Offered
Marriages, Renewal of Vows, Baptisms, Funerals, Christenings, House Blessings, Spiritual Healing, Premarital Counseling, General Ministry, Spiritual Guidance
Additional Information
All understanding shared is from the Holy Bible. I teach from the English standard version