R. Williams
Ordained Minister in Glasgow, Kentucky
Why did you originally become an ordained minister online?
I became an ordained minister to help ease the cost, stress, and burden that marriage and life constantly throws our way. To break the traditional and bring together those from various backgrounds and odds.
Where are you from?
I am from the Barren County area of Kentucky.
What do you hope to achieve with your online ordination?
I hope to achieve the fulfillment of those who have found their soulmate, their life and love.
Religious Affiliations
Atheism, Church of Satan, Deism, Druidism, Mormonism, Neopaganism, New Age, Norse Religion, Pentecostalism, Spiritualism, Universal Life Church, Voodoo, Wicca
What do you think makes your ceremonies special as a Glasgow, KY wedding officiant?
I think what makes my ceremonies different is the fact that I hold no judgements. I don’t push my clients, nor do I want them to feel anxious. I’ll always be there to help and guide but their decisions will remain their own :)
Types of Service Offered
Marriages, Same-Sex Marriages, Renewal of Vows, Handfastings, General Ministry, Spiritual Guidance