Rev. Stefan Schulz, Th.D., D.b.s., D.u.o, D.D., Dmeta
Ordained Minister in Emmerthal, Niedersachsen
Why did you originally become an ordained minister online?
- For me it is an outer sign of my baptism with the Holy Spirit, my state of being as an created, individuated part of the Universal consciousness (a living soul) and my affiliation with ULC Monastery
- Ordination is being led by the all-creating Universal Life Force and gives me the also (legal) authority to minister
Where are you from?
- Germany
What do you hope to achieve with your online ordination?
- Inspiring people to connect into the presence and flow of universal life energy, represented by the holy trinity: the Father (the source), the Son (the way) and the Holy Spirit (the power)
Religious Affiliations
Christianity, Universal Life Church
Types of Service Offered
Baptisms, Spiritual Guidance