Sister Flirtatious Romanovsky
Ordained Minister in Columbus, Ohio
About Me:
Traditional terms for my services include Clerical Advising or Pastoral Care; Spiritual Life Coach emphasizes a process of working together to find your spiritual truth, rather than suggesting I have The One True Answer.
This isn't a Christian (or any specific institutional religion) Ministry; rather a digital, queer, non-theist, spiritual humanist ministry of Joy, Kindness and Love. The 3 Divinities on my personal altar include a plushy Baphomet, a statue of Ganesha, and the Divinity of Comedy- Arsey the Rubber Chicken. . Unlike the majority of Life Coaches, my goal isn’t helping you devise and execute the perfect plan to acquire material goods; I can help you move forward with a purpose beyond merely paying bills and avoiding trouble. . Earning income is just one part of living; there are so many miracles and mysteries waiting for you. Let’s uncover the meaning behind your unique experience of this reality. . Sister Flirtatious Romanovsky of Middlesex, TOPI was accepted into the Toronto Order of Perpetual Indulgence as a Fully Professed Sister in 1983 and is presently situated in the State of Ohio while planning his return to the Great White North from whence she came.
Religious Affiliations
Spiritualism, Universal Life Church
Types of Service Offered
Spiritual Guidance