Daniel Reeves
Ordained Minister in Lawrence, Kansas
About Me:
For the past half-decade I have been quite active within various Pagan groups across the Eastern and Midwestern United States; I have lead rituals for various holidays and observances, given lectures on Icelandic Staves and runework, and offered advice and knowledge on various topics related to Heathenry and Paganism.
IMPORTANT: Due to recent scam attempts, methods of payment (cash, money order, or PayPal) are firm. Checks will not be accepted. Please give at the very least one (1) month's notice before the ceremony. If we cannot meet in person before the ceremony to discuss details and the like, I will not perform the service.
I apologize for the firm and calloused sound that this may carry, but this service is more than saying words and extending legalities. It is a social, legal, and spiritual binding of two people, and the officiant (in this case me) is bound in that experience. My honor is woven into such a service, and such I take the responsibility quite seriously. I can neither financially, spiritually, or honorably afford to be wrapped up in fraud, which is unfortunately out there.
Religious Affiliations
Asatru, Norse Religion
Types of Service Offered
Marriages, Same-Sex Marriages, Renewal of Vows, Handfastings