James N. Phillips Jr
Ordained Minister in Toledo, Ohio
About Me:
It is indeed a blessing to participate in the ULC Ministry. I am a Christian and subscribe to the Nicene Creed. I consider myself a Chaplain in the broadest sense of the term, by the words of St. Peter in 1 Peter 2:9, You are "a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of his own, so that you may announce the praises" of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." Accordingly, I only marry couples (biological men to biological women), not same-sex couples.
Getting married is a big deal, a really big deal! It is not for the faint of heart. This lasting commitment is enduring because of Love. Through good and bad, Love for each other prevails and deepens.
As a ULC minister, I serve as an officiant of matrimonial commitments. Please note that this is not a sacramental commitment, rather it is a legal commitment.
For many Christian Denominations, Marriage is a Sacrament, for others, it is a witness between two people, man and woman, before God. As a ULC Ordained Minister in Ohio, I am licensed in Ohio. The ceremony must be held in Ohio, and it is a legal and binding commitment between a man and a woman, of legal age, to become husband and wife.
Often, a man and woman couple wishes to have a Formal Christian Church Wedding, but cannot secure the Church for the appropriate Wedding Ceremony. ULC's Ordained Minister, like me, can remedy that by providing a legal marriage as if you were to be married by a Justice of the Peace and still allow you to pursue your Sacramental Marriage at a later date, of course, check with the Church of your personal confession.
As for me, I offer this service to male and female couples, men and women, seeking a permanent relationship with one another and God. As a ULC Minister, I hope that the man and woman will find a faith home in which they can grow as husband and wife. Note I do not offer same-sex marriages, as there are many others who already do.
If this is what you are interested in, please contact me at my email address: RevJamesNPhillipsJr@gmail.com.
By the way - If you are considering getting married, you might wish to pursue some counseling first. Counseling is not a guarantee for a long and happy marriage, but it will open your eyes to what is ahead. Remember that Marriage is a big deal.
Finally, Fees will be related to any accrued personal expenses related to the service provided (such as travel (mileage), and any charges that may be required.
Religious Affiliations
Types of Service Offered
Marriages, Funerals, Premarital Counseling