B.P. Ministry
Ordained Minister in Colorado Springs, Colorado
About Me:
"God Bless,Thank You. BP Minstry A homeless advocacy Awareness Program. Provide Peaceful and Social Activist Action Services.
Street Minstry Life has hidden messages, it,s a chess game ! ; Spiritual practice is the key to Salvation. In daily life decisions. sometimes you make the best decisions,sometimes you make the worst decisions,sometimes you make excellent moves. Mistakes and miscalculations always occur in life, and sometimes you make good enough decisions to survive and sometimes you blunder and sin, karma and forgiveness happens both ways, find a way to to enjoy life through living with awareness of the presence of GOD !
Are you looking for an Outreach Spiritual Soul Friend? I am willing to assist and help through Emotional Intelligence awareness and the Spirit of Truth. The one and only true Spiritual Director is the Holy Spirit within your heart, mind and soul.Your Spiritual Human-being Director is closer than you may think. Let me show you why, how, and what effects you will Receive from your spiritual companion.
B.P. Ministry (Between Places Ministry is an Active Urban Vocation in a positive spiritual environment ).
Hi ,Brothers and Sisters, Richard Coronel, your Outreach Spiritual Director welcomes you,I thank you for giving me your valuable time . I charge no fee for my Vocation services, Any offerings is appreciated. B.P. ( Between Places )Ministry welcomes you. It is My vocation B.P. Ministry- I feel called to utilize my blessed gifted skills given to each of us from GOD, to provide a service onto the accepted ( not forced participaton ) B.P./homeless community within the streets of Colorado Springs (city of Mercy) A compassionate and forgiving city.A community that understands tolerance issues that many cities do not want,such as homelessness,alcoholism,drug addictions. B.P. Ministry followers are (Between Places): is the name of my ministry. l respect Between Places ( Homeless Human - being's )community.
B.P. Ministries Mission: Provide and give good news to the (B)etween (P)laces & (Homeless) Community. An environment where human-beings feel loved and respected: Not judged in the community ,help others live the life of virtue. Utilize & helping with basic human-being needs principal services.
Vision: See all American Homeless Human-beings with a roof over head" and suppor tand relief from the hands and feet of GOD's Good Samaritans. There is no moral or social justification for lack of housing. Witness Jesus Christ -foundation of B.P.'s Ministry Pyramid Society where it begins and ends at the bottom 99 %
Goal: Allways provide and improve the quality of Between Places (Homeless awareness) to the top 1% of pyramid Society
Our Savior Jesus Christ said, sell all your possessions and give and distribute to the poor and needy. Jesus Christ said, watch out! Guard yourself against all kinds of greed. After all,one's life isn't determined by one's possessions. B.P. Ministry(Between Places is an Active Urban Ministry Vocation).Take action on your faith, many Churches and Ministries sadly fail yearly . Homelessness will never go away because of the human condition,you will understand what I mean with wisdom. My vocation(call of God) is to serve the homeless community.
l follow Jesus Christ teachings of God's Word( God's word is the "Bible" and Jesus Christ (The Human One is the foundation of "LOVE").Do God's Will and God's grace daily. Please, when you have the opportunity. Give Homeless American human-beings Hope, Go Walk ,drive, bus or bike ride the streets of your community or anyway it takes to talk to between places (Homeless)human-beings, Help , assist those in need,they will appreciate your kindness and understanding. Give in secret, you do not need to impress anybody on earth and the reciprocation you will receive from thy Almighty God and his son Lord Jesus Christ our Savior and those you serve is rewarding for your kind actions "Guaranteed"!
If you do not have the time to help the homeless needy with your busy life schedule, let me be your servant leadership for you. I will wash your feet Brothers and Sisters: Jesus Christ would not hesitate to wash yours !
Love and God Bless you, Your Brother Richard (Outreach Spiritual Director )(You spiritual Soul Friend)( A Between Places :Homeless Activist) (Your Servant leadership Virtuous Minister)
P.S. Jesus Christ is God (The Human- One). Son of God, born homeless and lived Between Places(Homeless) as an adult to avoid Roman persecution while reaching out to others.Our Savior Jesus sacrificed his life for us.Sacrifice your time and energy for Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ Omnipresence Between Places: In Layman terms:( Jesus Understands Homelessness) There is no moral or social justification for lack of housing and Roof over head (Pope Francis). Please do not ( Judge )a between places homeless human-being.Just say Hi , how are you doing today?
I do B.P. spiritual guidance blessings: Jesus is Lord ,Our True Landlord).
Blessing a B.P. (Homeless Shelters) dwelling is a sacred ritual experience , starting the spiritual energy of love,kindness, happiness , Peace of mind and Thankfulness for Roof Over Head. Your Friend, Richard (Outreach Spiritual Director) ( Your Spiritual Soul friend)
Your cost $ 0 For Spiritual Guidance B.P. Ministry appreciates what you can donate/offer from your heart and/ or What is an hour of your valuable time worth in giving?
B.P. Ministry(Between Places is an Active Urban Ministry Vocation)
I respect all religions,they each have something to offer
Please - Provide faithful Stewardship Ministry Sisters and Brothers. Follow : Ministerial Code of Ethics and Virtual Ethics Methods to Ministry.
Words of Wisdom: God gives you freewill to make choices in your daily life : Please provide a Blessing, do God's will, an opportunity to show GOD'S Love. what happened ? : What about the sin of the innkeeper in Bethlehem who had opportunity to provide space in their home for very heavily expectant pregnant Mary( mother of Jesus) and did not accommodate. Try to be and have creative and flexible understanding, find a way to serve the needy.
(The Sacrament of the Present Moment) is key to B.P. Ministry Think in th Present moment: not the future or the future.
God Bless, Richard (Outreach Spiritual Human-being Director) ( Your Spiritual Soul Friend)
(+) I just want to be a Virtuous Civil Samaritan Minister & Good Shepherd (+)
Email me anytime: Schedule an appointment.
Religious Affiliations
Catholicism, Christianity, Spiritualism
Types of Service Offered
Spiritual Guidance