Pamela Catherine
Ordained Minister in Grayslake, Illinois
About Me:
Hello/ Blessingsmoo
My name is Pamela Catherine. I'm a 54yr young multi belief woman.
Let me back up; My great grandfather immigrated from Kilarnay Ireland. My grandparents were "Strict Irish Roman Catholics". My grandmother was also a "Strict Irish Roman Catholic", my grandfather was Catholic, but hardly attended church. I was raised Irish Catholic, was baptized, received confirmation and attended church regularly with my mother and my "Irish Twin Sister". My father was an atheist. As I grew up, I became what my grandmother called a "Seasonal Catholic". Which ment I attended church on holidays only. I began to attend my Parrish less when the "clergy abuse" scandal came to head and even though I never lost my faith "How could I follow a church that "hid" the abuse"? I questioned all my teachings and was upset and confused. I decided to become "non-denominational" due to my many questions. I began to explore other religions and found peace in other areas of nontraditional organizations (Wicca, Naturalist, Buddhism, and many others). I believe if two people love each other "why" could they not be Married, Committed or any other following they had. Which we all know most structured religions "frown on " or "refuse" to perform on Same Sex Marriages or any religious affiliation that doesn't follow their doctrine. This I have never agreed with. I am constantly learning of "new and beautiful teachings". Let me be part of your special and memorable day. If you are interested in my services you may reach me at my email I will respond within 24hours,then we can discuss in more detail your personal needs and I will freely answer any questions you may have. I have officiated over 200 plus ceremonies, each one special and heart warming. I look forward to hearing from you.
Religious Affiliations
Charismatic movement, Christian Science, Christianity, Church of God, Confucianism, Dragon Rouge, Druidism, New Age, New Thought, Universal Life Church, Wicca, Worldwide Church of God
Types of Service Offered
Marriages, Same-Sex Marriages, Renewal of Vows, Handfastings, Baptisms, Funerals, House Blessings